Project Title
Early life-saving response to 3,230 Households (19,380 persons) in Baardheere projected to be most affected by El Nino induced flooding through provision of Non- Food items and Plastic Sheets. Funding Agency: Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF)
Project Title
Improve Shelter Conditions of Persons of Concern in Somalia
Funding Agency: UNHCR
Project Title
Life-saving Response to Households Most Affected by Flooding in Baardheere through Distribution of Standard Non-Food Item Kits (NFIs) with 2 additional Plastic Sheets.
Funding Agency: Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF)
Project Title
Shelter and NFI support to protracted and newly displaced people in Belet Weyne District, Somalia.
Funding Agency: Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF)
Project Title
Improve the living conditions of 36,000 displaced people in Banadir through improved site management and coordination, enhanced service delivery and site upkeep and decongestion initiatives.
Funding Agency: Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF)
Project Title
Life-saving shelter assistance to 6,720 newly arrived and protracted IDPs in Banadir through distribution of Non-Food Items and provision of emergency shelter kits.
Funding Agency: Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF)
Project Title
Shelter Assistance and Provision of Emergency Humanitarian response in Somalia
Funding Agency: UNHCR
Project Title
Facilitate Reintegration and Improve Access to Shelter for Persons of Concern in Somalia
Funding Agency: UNHCR
Project Title
Inter-agency collective service for COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) interventions
Funding Agency: Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF)
Project Title
Integrated Protection, CCCM, Shelter and WASH support to vulnerable displaced people and Host Communities in Xudur district.
Funding Agency: Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF)
Project Title
Provide life-saving NFI assistance to 33,900 IDPs and Host communities in Baidoa through distribution of Non-Food Items to newly displaced, evicted and crisis-affected persons
Funding Agency: Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF)
Project Title
Emergency project to provide life-saving shelter assistance to 43,800 newly displaced persons affected by floods in B/weyn, Jowhar and Balad districts through distribution of basic Non-Food Items and Construction of Emergency Shelters.
Funding Agency: Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF)
Project Title
Employment Generation for Early Recovery
Funding Agency: UNDP Somalia